So, you’re having a baby! Such an exciting time and so many things to do, think about and visualize. After dreaming up your wedding day for most women, maybe envisioning your baby’s nursery is the next best thing.
Well, rest assured we know two M.O.Ms that have made this exciting time a little less stressful for you! We introduce you to Project Nursery and the M.O.Ms behind it all, Melisa and Pam.
Project Nursery is all about showing real parents how to take charge of their own design and decorating projects. In the spring of 2008, moms, business partners and design enthusiasts Melisa Fluhr and Pamela Ginocchio started Since then, the site has evolved into a leading resource dedicated to baby’s 1st room & beyond.
Updated daily, offers readers inspirational photo galleries submitted by parents & designers, hip finds for the family home, do-it-yourself projects, clever party ideas, expert design tips, fabulous weekly giveaways and so much more!
Meet our M.O.Ms Melisa and Pam
Melisa Fluhr, Co-Founder/Editor Melisa a perfectionist at heart. She’ll waste an entire day rearranging furniture, photos and accessories until it’s just right from every angle. Hobbies include renovating, web design and cooking (visit her mom’s blog The All-American Chinese Cookbook 2). Trading in the black suits and pearls to become Mom to Austin (3), Chase (9 months) & PN has been her dream come true minus the spit up!

M.O.Ms they are… balancing work, family, life and design and they do it so well. I think we can agree that they help us M.O.Ms keep our sanity by giving us, our one-stop ‘shop’ for guidance on all things baby and beyond!
We chatted with Melisa and Pam, so here are some more tips to share:
M.O.M Katie ~ Thanks so much for bringing to life! As a Mom/Parent/New Parent, etc… we’ve come to appreciate a focused and dedicated site that will guide us from start to finish on anything baby related, and you’ve accomplished that! What would you say are the 3 most important tips to give when creating your baby’s first room.. The Nursery!
M.O.Ms M & P ~When planning for your baby's arrival it is natural for the nursery to become the focal point. Before you start to purchase items for the room come up with a color palette that includes three main colors. This will help you achieve a polished look in the end. Also, try and find a few items from your own childhood, like a favorite book or piggy bank to incorporate into the room. This personal touch brings a sense of family into the space and is a nice way to involve dad too! Lastly, don't forget to create a budget.
M.O.M Katie ~ So, tell us, when you started Project Nursery, what were your goals for it? Is it everything you imagined it would be or will be seeing much more from Project Nursery in the future?
M.O.Ms M & P ~When Melisa and I started PN it was a simple blog to share ideas about design for the family home. Just because we had children didn't mean we had to sacrifice style! Since Project Nursery began three years ago, there are even more online resources to help design and plan children’s rooms. We love to hear about great DIY tips, bargain finds and how real parents came up with the inspiration for their home. We hope to expand our gallery to include even more photos of nurseries, toddler rooms and party planning.
M.O.M Katie ~ Have you seen any fun, new trends or ‘themes’ that are popular today for nurseries and ‘big’ kid rooms that should be mentioned?
M.O.Ms M & P ~As our own children have grown it has been fun to work on "big kid" rooms in addition to nursery design. Storage is always key when it comes to toddler rooms since the toys and books are never ending. Wallpaper and wall decals are a huge trend in big kid room design. We also really like to mix in pieces from non-kid focused stores with juvenile products to create a more sophisticated aesthetic.
M.O.M Katie ~ Ok, now as M.O.Ms, with the holidays approaching and with 5 kids between the two of you, how do you manage the stress of the holidays and running your business?
M.O.Ms M& P~ Lots of coffee! No, in all honestly we have "calgon take me away moments" just like every other parent out there. I think it’s important to be as organized as possible. I always take inventory before I go to bed each night. What do I have scheduled the following day? Can I get a head start by packing the lunches or picking out clothes for the next day? These little things help big time. I'm also a big believer that it’s important not sweat the small stuff.
Thanks so much for chatting and we look forward to continued inspiration and guidance by
To follow our M.O.Ms ~ on twitter: @projectnursery ; on Facebook, and
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