Not only is Lis an actress but continuing in true M.O.M fashion she followed another lifelong dream of being an author by releasing her first novel, Nerissa. This is a fascinating story of love and coming of age in turn of the century Scotland and is now available for purchase.
Now let's not forget her most rewarding job today, being mom to 2 1/2 year old daughter Easton August. We chatted with Lis and she seems to have conquered the title M.O.M (Master of Multitasking) very well.
Meet Elisabeth Rohm
Wow, from actress, to author, to advocate for amazing charities and now mom, we know you're busy, so thank you for your valuable time in sharing with our community of M.O.Ms a little more about your M.O.M life!
M.O.M Katie ~ As a Mom and working actress, do you have a typical day or routine?
M.O.M Lis ~ Well, I dont think there is a typical day when you are a mom. It's similar to the concept of the 'separation of church and state', as an actress I have the luxury and priveledge to be 100% Mom when not working and then be fully engaged in work acting..
Lis also commented on her great relationship with her fiance' and working together with your partner is key to having success with working parents. She felt transitioning from TV into movies also helped with scheduling.
M.O.M Katie ~ Did you envision being a working mom? Did your priorities change once Easton was born?
M.O.M Lis ~ Well, yes, always thought I would be a working mom. {laughing} wasn't born with a trust. I also had great mom role models and my mother is a great inspiration.
M.O.M Katie ~ Do you have a favorite quote or saying that you live by now?
M.O.M Lis ~ Yes, my motto and what I have learned to accept is not to take it personally. That goes for both business & life as mom. I've learned it's not about 'me'. With Easton, I have to be consistent and take myself out of the equation... if she refuses vegetables or what I've made for her, again ' It's not about me and I cant take it personally'.
M.O.M Katie ~ As a Mom and working actress, do you have a typical day or routine?
M.O.M Lis ~ Well, I dont think there is a typical day when you are a mom. It's similar to the concept of the 'separation of church and state', as an actress I have the luxury and priveledge to be 100% Mom when not working and then be fully engaged in work acting..
Lis also commented on her great relationship with her fiance' and working together with your partner is key to having success with working parents. She felt transitioning from TV into movies also helped with scheduling.
M.O.M Katie ~ Did you envision being a working mom? Did your priorities change once Easton was born?
M.O.M Lis ~ Well, yes, always thought I would be a working mom. {laughing} wasn't born with a trust. I also had great mom role models and my mother is a great inspiration.
M.O.M Katie ~ Do you have a favorite quote or saying that you live by now?
M.O.M Lis ~ Yes, my motto and what I have learned to accept is not to take it personally. That goes for both business & life as mom. I've learned it's not about 'me'. With Easton, I have to be consistent and take myself out of the equation... if she refuses vegetables or what I've made for her, again ' It's not about me and I cant take it personally'.
M.O.M Katie ~ Any new discoveries or differences between mom and daughter?
M.O.M Lis ~ oh yes! I've discovered Easton is a night person and I'm a morning person!
M.O.M Katie ~ So, lot's to look out for in 2011. We have the movies, Abduction & Transit. Your new novel is available now, Nerissa. What else can we expect?
M.O.M Lis ~ This month you can follow my blog on People.com : http://celebritybabies.people.com/category/guest-blog/
Thank you again Lis, you truly are mastering and balancing it all and with ease!
We also were curious if Elisabeth would be open to venturing back into TV land. She wouldnt rule out TV, but thought cable maybe more appealing now with motherhood & being a shorter taping season. But she was open to another TV series. So, maybe we'll see her back in our 'family rooms' someday soon!
Let's keep following our celeb m.o.m's journey and stay connected:
Website: http://www.elisabeth-rohm.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ElisabethRohm
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/elisabeth.rohm
Lis's blog on People.com : http://celebritybabies.people.com/category/guest-blog
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