Our next M.O.M, Alyson Johnson, is truly remarkable and I’m not only saying that because she has been a close friend for many years, but she works for an amazing company and has struggled with the same daily challenges all of us M.O.Ms face while working and being away from home and our kids.

Women on Their Way is an online resource for business and leisure travelers to find everything they need to plan and book their next trip. The website, http://www.womenontheirway.com/, includes expert advice on destinations, hotels, timeshare resorts and vacation rentals, plus special deals and packages. They have enhanced the site with the Adventures with Alyson and other Blogs ranging in topics from health and wellness to balancing business travel with every-day life.
Women on Their Way is the hospitality industry's longest-running branded program entirely dedicated to female travelers. Since the program's launch in 1995, Wyndham has supported women travelers as they've emerged from a niche market to a formidable force, listening and responding to women's feedback, which has resulted in a better hotel experience for all travelers; including the addition of various amenities to hotel rooms such as coffee makers, full length mirrors and healthier room service menus.
What can we say, it’s perfect for all M.O.Ms who love the one-stop shop with all information and guidance from planning your trip, family travel, business travel, destinations, weddings/honeymoons, health & wellness, and so much more!
Let’s now Meet Our Adventurous M.O.M Alyson!
M.O.M Alyson~ Achieving that work/life balance is something that I always try to keep in mind, whether I’m planning an overnight trip for work or scheduling a play-date for my kids. I’m fortunate that my husband is a very hands-on Dad so we both take on the at-home and child-care responsibilities which frees up time for having fun as a family. We go on “date nights” at least every-other week and try to get away just the two of us for an overnight at a B&B or local hotel at least once or twice a year.
In try to make the most of my time. The most important decision that I made after having a child was to leave an industry that I loved because it was such a commitment of time. Taking a job with Wyndham Worldwide was the smartest decision that I have made in my professional life because it has impacted my personal life so greatly. As a Working Mother Top Company, Wyndham has allowed me both flexibility and programs that make it easier for me to be a working Mom. Our on-site nurse was a lifesaver for me when I was nursing my second little one and is always a help if I’m not feeling well (and not having to leave the office or take time off for a Doctor’s appt – FABULOUS!), I can get my dry-cleaning and shoe repair done in our Company store and we have a great gym that’s free of cost and has really good classes right here on site. Those little things add up to a decent amount of “found time” that I can spend with my kids. That’s my priority.
M.O.M Katie ~ Working for Wyndham and adding travel to the mix, how did you handle the first time away after having kids? How can Women on Their Way help other working moms overcome the guilt or fear of traveling and leaving the family?
M.O.M Alyson ~ There is no doubt about it - It’s hard to leave your kids behind when you have to travel. Thankfully, I have had a handful of trips where I bring my kids and husband with me so that we can extend the trip and have a mini-vacation afterwards.
When it is just me, I try to make the most of it. It’s a great opportunity for my kids to have fun with Daddy and I’m able to take a mental break. Its great not having to pack lunches or try to figure out what’s for dinner for a few nights! I do miss my kids though, so we talk on the phone both morning and night and if I’m going to be gone for more than two nights, I’ll bring along my personal computer so that we can Skype while they eat their dinner – a captive audience always helps when we’re Skyping since my kids are so young!
Here is a video on dealing with Travel Guilt from Better.tv and Women on Their Way - http://www.womenontheirway.com/alysons-adventures/2009/01/dealing-with-the-mommy-guilt.php
M.O.M Katie ~ Now that you are a certifiable Master Of Multitasking Mom, what is the one piece of advice you offer to other moms balancing it all?
M.O.M Alyson~ Give yourself a break. We’re all doing our best and as long as our kids know that they are loved and safe, you can feel confident that you are a truly great Mom.
For more guidance and adventures, follow Alyson here:
Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/update_security_info.php?wizard=1#!/alysons.adventures
Twitter - @AlysonAdventure
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