M.O.Ms Move ~ Workout Wednesday Tip for Busy M.O.Ms

Finding time to hit the gym is an emotional struggle for me, as I'm sure it is for the rest of you m.o.ms! Balancing work, family, and personal time is enough and then throw in time to stay fit and healthy? There never seems to be enough time in the day or budget to even hit a gym. So, I rely on my home and am learning to MAKE the time now that I have 2 kids in full-day school.

Here is a great tip from SheKnows.com - this one works for me:

Turning your home into a gym

The trip to and from the gym eats up precious minutes of your day. Skip the commute and work out at home. From fitness DVDs to online exercise videos, you can get in shape in the same amount of time it takes for you just to get to the gym. You can also set up your own home circuit routine with one or two sets of dumbbells, a fitness ball and a mat. Need a cardio boost? Run or quickly walk your stairs, or sprint up and down your hall. Working out at home also means you can work out when you want and for as long (or short) as you want.

Here is a Full-body workout you can do at home

Try this total-body workout three times a week, 12 to 15 reps, for two to three sets. Warm up by walking in place for five minutes or run up/walk down stairs


Keep moving M.O.Ms for yourself and your family!

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